Lexis 8.0.0
January 22 2025
Added flags to "Spawner > Object"
Added set to current outfit to "Network > Account > Outfits"
Added transaction errors to "Network > Notifications"
Added player ambient pickup to "Network > Notifications"
Added "Bottom Dollar Bounties" to "Network > Account > Unlocks > DLC"
Added "The Chop Shop" to "Network > Account > Unlocks > DLC"
Added "San Andreas Mercenaries" to "Network > Account > Unlocks > DLC"
Added "Agents of Sabotage" to "Network > Account > Unlocks > DLC"
Added "Agents of Sabotage" to "Spawner > Vehicle > DLC Vehicles"
Added "BANNED" (BattlEye ban) badge to all options relating to RID
Added "FAKE" (fake friend) badge to all options relating to RID
Added left side option for boxed elements (information/hotkey, on by default)
Added ceo money to network player
Added copy appearance/outfit to all options relating to RID
Added override language to "Settings > Config"
Added "Oppressor Mk II" to "Vehicle > Model Modifications > Physics"
Added DLC selection and custom input to "Weapons > Weapon Armory"
Added bullet change to "Vehicle > Weapons"
Added color and thickness to "Weapon > Visuals > Trails"
Added scripts, audio, and configs to "Network > File Manager"
Added save and load to "Settings > Config"
Added folder support to file manager, themes, configs, translations, and weapon loadouts
Added force player into vehicle to "Network > Player > Misc"
Added justify to rectangles in "Settings > Config > Primary"
Added scroller width to "Settings > Config > Primary"
Added flags to rounded rectangles in "Settings > Config > Primary"
Added "Stardust" to "Settings > Particles"
Added reset button to "Settings > Particles"
Added none option to "Settings > Particles"
Added overwrite to "Vehicle > Save & Load"
Added E&E chameleon paints
Added search to "Spawner > Vehicle"
Fixed "Network > Protections > Miscellaneous > Block Bullets/Projectiles" blocking you from using vehicle weapons when a blocked player is a passenger
Fixed "Network > Player > Give Wanted Level" not working
Fixed "Weapon > Modifications > Modifiers" not saving to config
Fixed "Vehicle > LSC > Respray > Primary/Secondary > Custom Color > Rainbow" not working
Fixed "Vehicle > LSC > Wheels > Wheel Tires > Smoke > Custom Color > Rainbow" not working
Fixed "Network > Player > Scripts" showing when no scripts are loaded
Fixed "Network > Player > Swipe Outfit" not changing model
Fixed "Player > Model Changer > Wardrobe > Remove Prop" not removing selected prop
Fixed "Weapon > Visuals > Trails > Bullet Trails" not shooting from the weapon muzzle (also improved direction accuracy)
Fixed "Player > Vision > Thermal Vision" not working
Fixed garage importer importing into the wrong garage
Fixed only being able to search for an option once
Fixed remote stats not showing (cash, rank, etc.)
Fixed command box not being customizable
Fixed disable drip feeding not working
Fixed Lexis vehicles loading with incorrect mods in "Vehicle > Save & Load"
Fixed blacklisted players not working
Fixed increase vehicle impact not working
Fixed weapon orbital kills not working
Fixed call mechanic not working
Fixed issues with ESP crashing
Fixed active character in "Network > Account" breaking when only MP1 was valid
Fixed performance decrease when using Deluxo physics
Fixed disabling deluxo physics while not being in flight mode retaining flight mode state
Fixed spawner panels showing behind remote player panel
Fixed random crashes using wardrobe editor
Fixed loads of strings not being added to translation exports unless used first
Fixed give/remove weapon event always flagging for invalid weapon
Fixed "The Shocker" not being in the weapon lists
Fixed fake friends not being loaded until entering the submenu
Fixed some tire smoke not setting the color
Fixed most casino options not working
Fixed next session host detection not working
Fixed disable passive mode not working
Fixed deploy vehicle parachute not working on some vehicles
Fixed rainbow smoke color for LSC not working
Fixed run speed multiplier not working
Fixed vehicle spawner having missing DLC vehicle preview images
Fixed teleport player always teleporting to you if they're in a vehicle
Fixed HSV editor resetting H and S to 0 if V is 0
Fixed player search not showing last page if last page count was less than 10
Fixed cayo perico additional loot setting coke instead of gold
Fixed a few older DLCs not showing in "Spawner > Vehicle > DLC Vehicles"
Fixed rapid fire maxing out projectile pool
Fixed some badges not having correct padding
Fixed unlock outfits not working
Fixed unlock ammunition weapons not working
Fixed unlock hairstyles not working
Fixed unlock free services not working
Fixed no maintenance fees not working
Fixed turn to beast protection not working
Fixed hotkeys not saving
Fixed some Polish letters not showing correctly
Fixed noclip not disabling collision for vehicles
Fixed random crashing entering a submenu in "Weapons > Weapon Armory"
Fixed load states not showing when leaving and re-entering a submenu in "Weapons > Weapon Armory"
Fixed script warp kick false positive
Fixed disable entity collision not working for some entities
Fixed unlimited ammo not giving ammo on session change
Fixed color options ignoring requirement
Fixed peds ignore player not working
Fixed spawner manage entities not working properly when around other players
Fixed hair color changing to green when changing model back to a multiplayer model
Fixed some models showing as invisible when changing to them
Fixed clear area not being networked
Fixed "Create Entity" chat command not working for session
Improved directory iteration (file views now have a directory tree)
Improved wardrobe editor (added component names to tooltip)
Improved ped model list (model changer, ped spawner, etc.)
Improved notify stacking (duplicates will show a number instead of being dropped)
Improved rainbow settings
Improved join blocking responses
Improved line particle rendering (less CPU intensive)
Improved firework particle rendering (less CPU intensive)
Improved hotkey system (bind multiple keys sequentially)
Improved option search (added hierarchy to tooltips)
Improved color picker presets (added 1566 colors)
Improved autoload to use a dedicated config file (rather than the default config)
Improved hotkey notifications (shows toggle state for number/combo toggles)
Improved command input (added cursor)
Improved protections (added bounty spam detection)
Improved rate limits (added new options, new submenu layout)
Improved menu design
Improved notify design
Improved renderer to fix issues with graphic driver crashes
Removed unused translations from translation generation
Removed default config loading in favor of save & load
Removed force save config/hotkeys
Removed Lua API (new API will be released in 8.1)
Lexis 7.0.3
July 5 2024
Fixed crash loading outfit files
Fixed crash using money methods before catalog init
Fixed crash using drive to me
Lexis 7.0.0
July 4 2024
Added hitmarker sounds to world
Added occlusion to misc disables
Added dripfeeding to misc disables
Added predator mode to misc
Added unlimited parachutes to weapon
Added settings to weapon mods
Added vehicle settings to weapon mods
Added force camera forward to network hostile
Added bypass profanity filter to chat
Added thousands separator (money) to misc disables
Added teleport into player apartment
Added matchmaking settings to network toolkit (min free slots, aim type, region, language)
Added passive income to network account
Added discord rpc to misc
Added max nightclub popularity to network account
Added max car meet popularity to network account
Fixed crash viewing player list when loading into session from main menu
Fixed player stats not showing properly in panels
Fixed "allow joins from" disabling "everyone" when scrolling
Fixed korean text not showing properly
Fixed wardrobe saving showing as unsupported
Fixed cheat detection when sending spam text
Fixed sending chat messages through the text chat menu not working
Improved chat commands (you can now use them for yourself)
Improved snap aimbot (more reliable, works in vehicles)
Improved player list generation (now works at start of transition)
Improved modder detection (chat without typing event)
Improved player badges (added controller symbol)
Improved kick protections
Improved crash protections
to get the current characterAdded
player:block_model(number hash, bool add)
to block models from being created for a specific player
Lexis 6.0.3
June 6 2024
Improved crash protections
Removed detected money loop
Lexis 6.0.2
June 4 2024
Improved crash protections
Lexis 6.0.1
June 4 2024
Fixed major stability issues occuring since previous update
Fixed desync backfire causing the session to flag when used as host
Lexis 6.0.0
June 2 2024
Added LUA (documentation at
Added lock network control to player vehicle (prevent yourself and other cheaters from gaining control of a players vehicle) (Network > Players > Player > Vehicle > Lock Network Control)
Added suspension to vehicle visuals (Vehicle > Visuals)
Added tire width/radius to vehicle visuals (Vehicle > Visuals)
Added block entities to network chat advertise (Network > Text Chat > Advertise > Block Networking)
Added give RP to network chat advertise actions (Network > Text Chat > Advertise > Action > Give RP)
Added owned explosion to player explosions (Network > Player/Session > Hostile > Explosions)
Added orbital kills to weapon (spoof kills as orbital cannon) (Weapon > Weapon Mods > Orbital Kills)
Fixed rare crash hovering a vehicle inside of spawner
Fixed rare crash loading a Stand vehicle
Fixed smash vehicle windows crashing
Fixed files not reading/writing when username is in another language
Fixed chat advertise messages not being reloaded when file is modified
Fixed mouse input key not applying
Fixed world/selected vehicle drive to me not working
Fixed clone selected vehicle not adding vehicle to manager
Fixed give player script host not working
Fixed teleport player to waypoint not working
Fixed teleport player not cleaning up entities
Fixed player crashes not cleaning up entities
Fixed kick player from seat
Fixed player steering not working sometimes
Fixed delete gun not working sometimes
Fixed spawner delete current vehicle sometimes not deleting current vehicle when spawned from garage
Fixed some vehicle options not allowing hotkeys
Improved cheat detection
Improved crash protections
Improved spectate player (map now follows spectated player)
Improved player crash names
Improved kick player from vehicle
Improved entity blocking (sync blocking is improved and you can now save/load per player)
Lexis 5.1.0
April 28 2024
Added desync backfire to block spoofers
Added change gender to account
Added rebind mouse input key
Added option to disable mouse input completely
Added asset hash to network toolbox
Added weaken host kicks to protections
Added profit maximization to transaction manager
Fixed block spoofers only doing join timeout when "Error" was enabled
Fixed crash on load when having textures inside of auto load theme
Fixed rare crash on injection
Fixed "allow joins from" not disabling "everyone" when choosing another
Fixed display box color having dupe header option
Fixed player crew panel showing when player isn't in a crew
Fixed player crew panel showing corrupted/missing data
Fixed random crashes using ESP
Fixed tracked player default sorting being random
Fixed command box, hotkeys and mouse working while typing in chat or in social club overlay
Fixed check if join will succeed causing issues with joining
Fixed aggressive desync backfire causing everyone to flag for other modders while host
Fixed airstrike gun shooting more than it should
Fixed airstrike gun doing no damage
Fixed wardrobe editor not working
Fixed rare issue where majority of features don't work
Lexis 5.0.0
April 23 2024
Added join player as lowest peer
Added subway surfer join player method (faster, and won't flag for RID joining)
Added hidden blip to network disables (force show player blips)
Added chat to network logging
Added input timer to config
Added disable console logging to settings
Added game time and local time to misc display
Added auto font correction to theme (disables using system fonts when system isn't in english, will only apply with an auto load theme)
Added player spawn, player tracking, join blocking, join failed and spoofing to notify colors
Added icon editor to settings
Added clear notify queue to settings
Added show mouse cursor (bound to N)
Added ability to drag UI elements (toggle mouse cursor with N)
Added hotkey display box
Added mouse input disables to settings
Added sorting to tracked players
Fixed player tracking global untrack not working
Fixed silent aim in vehicles not working
Fixed dying when falling beneath the map and spectating
Fixed game crash loading a lot of DLC vehicles (load at the main menu)
Fixed config loading allowing overflow values being applied to number/multi choice options
Fixed rainbow not working for notifies
Fixed large gaps in notifies when being re-queued due to no space on screen
Fixed player search not working
Fixed crash from tacked player notify on SP load
Fixed not being able to go online with custom DLC loaded
Fixed search option crashing
Fixed option text size not loading from config
Fixed artificial acquaintances panel still showing after deleting last entry
Fixed rare crash changing subs inside of lsc editor
Fixed issue where the current option was greater than the option count, resulting in no option showing on the scroll bar
Fixed check if join will succeed not allowing you to join the session
Fixed misc display rockstar id not showing as hidden when privacy mode is enabled
Lexis 4.0.0
April 18 2024
Added smart kick (chooses the best kick to use)
Added skydive to player
Added swim anywhere to player
Added instant vehicle enter
Added texture swapping
Added command box (use /)
Added world view to speedometers
Added change any vehicle to fly like a deluxo
Added ambient pickup to protections (and removed pickup spawn from network notifications)
Added set default colors for spawned vehicles
Added special flight to handling editor (deluxo, etc)
Added script host migration prevention
Added rockstar developer flag to player badges
Added desync backfire to protections
Added detection for aggressive desync backfire
Added transition settings to network (skip swoop down, skip freemode wait, async data broadcast, show transition state)
Added disable unskippable cutscenes to misc disables
Added cooldowns to misc disables (interaction menu features, equipment/vehicle requests, ceo/mc/lester abilities, casino chip exchange)
Added allow all vehicles to mission management
Added instant garage deliveries
Added language to spoofing
Added more accounts to known spammers
Added transactions and metrics to network logging
Added panel for player tracking, player search and artificial acquaintances
Added stats, character image and session info to remote player panels
Added reload bail to network
Added bypass max speed to vehicle
Added extend angles, disable entity collision and camera fov to camera
Added more events to reactions
Fixed ui drawing off screen when game resolution is higher than monitor resolution (DSR)
Fixed horn boost boosting when car alarm triggered from breaking in
Fixed garage importer importing into the wrong garage
Fixed crash when loading/parsing corrupt/incorrect json
Fixed rare crash with player random variations
Fixed prevent rockstar flag spoofers joining (while host) not working
Fixed theme texture gif loop back not working
Fixed exclude player from reactions not working
Fixed Lexis join timeout working on Lexis users
Fixed some vehicles spawning without default flags (such as MKII not having boost)
Fixed DLC vehicles sometimes showing as malformed
Fixed tracked players freezing the game for a few seconds when entering
Fixed multi choice options not loading from config
Fixed join timeout applying when joining a session
Fixed issues with join player not working instantly
Fixed game crash loading more than four DLC peds (load at the main menu)
Improved DLC ped loading (you can now drag and drop the model files and configure the attributes inside of Lexis)
Improved on screen speedo (now shows in display box)
Improved theme texture loading (now supports directories)
Improved ambient drop detection (now detects new method)
Improved super jump detection
Improved super jump detection prevention
Improved crash protections
Improved kick protections
Improved door overflow protection
Improved force script host (now choose which script)
Improved handling editor (now supports editing multiple types at once)
Improved kick/crash reaction (now choose which kick/crash to use)
Improved query player online status (less likely to fail and much faster)
Improved super jump (no longer causes detection on good menus)
Improved blacklisted text
Improved disable restricted areas
Improved remote session modded host detection (now detects backfire)
Improved rockstar employee list (added more)
Improved non host join timeout
Lexis 3.0.0
April 1 2024
Added give script host to player
Added prevent player/ai from dragging you out of a vehicle
Added clear player visible wetness
Added laser to weapon visuals
Added scale override to weapon visuals
Added invisibility to weapon visuals
Added kill feed
Added pool size adjustments to misc
Added palette generation for colors
Added damage while invincible to modder flags
Added language to player panel
Fixed money drops not working (Lexis is currently the only provider that's able to do this!)
Fixed some options not saving to config
Fixed panels not loading after being saved (they now save to theme instead of config)
Fixed crash injecting while in SP or MP
Fixed rare crash when searching options
Fixed rare crash leaving a mission
Fixed very rare issue where players won't show up in the menu
Fixed make vehicle savable (gift) not working as intended
Fixed player count display not showing spectate slots
Fixed weapon stats panel sometimes showing an image without the proper aspect constraints
Fixed adding entity rate limit not loading until next launch
Fixed triggerbot shooting at random entities
Fixed mission/heist start being stuck at "Launching Session"
Fixed time options not working in SP
Fixed garage importing not listing all garages
Fixed delete join blocked player not updating in the list
Improved tune vehicle (current vehicle tune now has option for performance only)
Improved crash protections
Improved vision veil crash
Improved name generation for colors
Improved script host kick
Moved glow, particle fx, grenade/bullet trails and comic vfx to weapon visuals
Lexis 2.1.1
March 28 2024
Fixed rare crash forcing script host in the clouds
Fixed issues with garage importing
Fixed issues with casino rigging
Fixed certain submenus flashing when entering
Fixed crash when tracked player notifies on menu load
Fixed issues with turn to beast protection
Fixed issues with network script starter
Fixed issues with minimum players required for mission
Fixed no equip restrictions for weapon not working inside of interiors
Improved crash protections
Lexis 2.1.0
March 26 2024
Added more menu particles (rain, fireworks)
Fixed a lot of options not saving to config
Fixed issues with audio
Fixed rare crash while viewing a players panel during session leave
Fixed snow particles not saving toggles
Fixed GUI bugs with tooltips showing for a frame on submenu change
Fixed FPS display sometimes not being accurate
Fixed spawning vehicles for players spawning them for you
Improved kick protections
Improved crash protections
Improved color history (sorted by recent, clear button)
Lexis 2.0.2
March 22 2024
Fixed random crash when saving hotkey/config
Fixed custom edit stat not saving properly when using packed stat
Improved crash protections
Lexis 2.0.1
March 18 2024
Fixed paste into input box crashing
Fixed smash vehicle windows crashing
Fixed GeoIP not working
Fixed player IP always showing as relay
Fixed chance of players leaving on session join
Fixed issues sending DLC to other Lexis users (now capped at 60MB)
Fixed crashing entering Save & Load vehicle after receiving corrupted vehicle
Fixed files shared to other Lexis users being corrupted when file size is above 0.3KB
Improved input box (you can now input special characters)
Improved crash protections
Lexis 2.0.0
March 15 2024
Added option to disable taking control of another players vehicle when passenger (enabled by default to prevent vehicle stutters)
Added world VFX
Added network file manager for Lexis to Lexis users (themes, vehicles, outfits, loadouts)
Added save custom vehicle (Stand, Lexis) to garage (*)
Added import personal vehicle back into garage (*)
Added import current vehicle into garage (*)
Added import players current vehicle into your garage (*)
Added more options for auto load weapon loadout (vehicle enter, vehicle exit)
Added script starter to network
Added five player crashes
Added tooltip background, open tooltip background, and notify background to particles
Added more accounts to known spammers
Added spawn personal vehicle as copy
Added spoof models to DLC loader (allows other players to see a valid model in game)
Added tooltip indications for when an option can have a hotkey applied, or a custom input box opened
Added paste color from clipboard (formats: '#FF0000', '#FF0000FF', 'FF0000', 'FF0000FF' '255 255 255' '255 255 255 255' '255, 255, 255' '255, 255, 255, 255' '340.23, 12.33, 45.32' '340.23 12.33 45.32' '217°, 73%, 96%')
Fixed scroll bar settings showing the preview scroll bar when toggled off
Fixed scroll bar showing outside of bounds for a frame when changing from small to large
Fixed crash when loading a theme that uses a texture that doesn't exist
Fixed color editor showing preview box in the middle of the menu for a frame
Fixed majority of options not being searchable
Fixed deleting hotkeys not deleting them from config
Fixed random crash when using disable ghosted for session
Fixed selecting the wrong player when previous selected player option was above current option
Fixed sticky recent players selecting wrong player when previous selected player option was above current option
Fixed potential crash when changing session with player panels open
Fixed paste into input box not showing changes until typing a character afterwards
Fixed crash loading from the main menu with weapon loadout set to load on respawn
Fixed export garages exporting slighly wrong data (please export your garages again)
Fixed some ui elements not having settings
Fixed crashing loading PNGs converted from another format (**)
Fixed text from loaded files being added to translations
Fixed spawn air vehicles in air not boosting the vehicle
Improved crash protections
Improved injection speeds
Improved chat spam detection (will now block chat from known spammers)
Improved hotkey notify (now shows toggle state)
Improved texture loading (now supporting all major extensions)
Improved default notifies
Moved share DLC to network file manager
Moved cayo perico teleports to mission management
(*) All new garage options allow you to import/modify the vehicle for free (**) Current themes using textures will no longer have the textures applied, please create again
Lexis 1.4.1
March 5 2024
Fixed potential crash when using a keyboard in another language
Fixed potential crash when validating a memory address
Improved crash protections
Lexis 1.4.0
March 4 2024
Added mission management
Added modify minimum players required to start a mission
Added online player bounty management
Added change appearance to a Rockstar cloud outfit
Added basic casino rigging (Roulette, Blackjack, Slot Machines, Lucky Wheel)
Added health management to self
Added more info to display
Added texture manager to settings
Added overwrite theme
Fixed some ui elements not being editable
Fixed rare crash when injecting too early
Fixed display box possibly overflowing when bound to the right hand side
Lexis 1.3.0
March 1 2024
Added more accounts to known spammer timeout
Added custom outfit loading (Paragon, Stand, Ozark, Impulse, Lexis)
Added custom outfit saving
Added change appearance to an account saved outfit
Added custom vehicle loading (Stand, Ozark, Impulse, Lexis)
Added custom vehicle saving
Added export garages to vehicle saving
Fixed sub tooltip box not being rounded
Fixed vehicle spawn preview showing on sort option
Fixed parts of the ui flashing for a frame when entering certain subs
Fixed chance of crashing when entering Personal Vehicles inside spawner
Fixed stutter when entering friends sub for the first time
Fixed some subs that get populated on enter not having "no x found" labels
Improved crash protections
Lexis 1.2.0
Feb 27 2024
Fixed tooltip messages not showing
Fixed crash when changing to certain DLC models
Fixed hotkeys only saving options from one sub
Improved crash protections
Lexis 1.1.0
Feb 27 2024
Added Network -> Players -> Crash (Clone Remove)
Improved anti-cheat bypasses relating to DLC vehicle spawning
Last updated